BHS FFA Calendar

Tuesday, July 2, 2013

State FFA Convention

Broadway FFA is PROUD to announce that we have our very own Virginia State FFA Officer this year!  Kaitlyn Sonifrank will serve this year as the State Reporter!  We are so proud of her for her hardwork and dedication to the FFA and look forward to all of the amazing things that she will accomplish this year!
Broadway FFA had a wonderful showing at the Virginia State FFA Convention year!  We had teams that competed in Environmental & Natural Resources, Livestock (Junior and Senior) and Horse Hippology.  In Junior Livestock, James placed 7th, Caley placed 3rd and Kaylyn placed 2nd.  In Senior Livestock, Chelsea placed 2nd.  Broadway also received recognition for being a Superior Chapter as well as received a silver rating for the chapter scrapbook.