BHS FFA Calendar

Thursday, June 12, 2014

New BHS FFA Officer

Congratulations to the following students on earning a FFA office.  We look forward to a successful year full of lots of learning and fun!

President - Taylor
Vice President - Caley
Secretary/Federation Representative - Noah 
Reporter/Federation Representative - Kaylyn 
Treasurer - Olivia 
Sentinel - James
Student Advisor - Michaela
Parliamentarian - Collin
Historian - Jake

Junior Vice President/Chair of the Student Development Committee - Kayla
Junior Vice President/Chair of the Chapter Development Committee - Leah
Junior Vice President/Chair of the Community Development Committee - Addison
Livestock Project Committee Chairs - Alec & William
Membership Development Committee Chairs - Walker & Cory

Monday, April 7, 2014

Broadway Ag Business class went to Turner Ham in Fulks Run to learn about how to make a marketing plan. We walked through the building where the hams are cured and learned the process of curing hams and the procedures on the way the hams are stored, cut, and packaged.

Thursday, April 3, 2014

5 Broadway FFA Officers went to Virginia Tech on March 21-22 2014 to compete in Block and Bridle  Stockmans and Livestock Judging Contest. Over 600 students from all over Virginia came to compete.
Kaylyn Beach-5th place overall high individual
Caley Ellington-6th place overall high individual
Kaylyn Beach, Caley Ellington, and James Ritchie placed 5th team overall

Livestock Judging (Non Reasons)
Kaylyn Beach- 1st place individual sheep, 6th place overall high individual
Joy Showalter- 9th place individual swine
4th team swine- Kaylyn Beach, Joy Showalter, James Ritchie, Taylor Burgess
4th team cattle- Kaylyn Beach, Joy Showalter, James Ritchie, Taylor Burgess
3rd team overall- Kaylyn Beach, Joy Showalter, James Ritchie, Taylor Burgess
Livestock Judging(Advanced)
Caley Ellington- 4th place individual swine, 6th place overall high individual
5th team reasons- Caley Ellington
Special thanks to their coaches- Dave Walker, Tammy Craun, Brian Carpenter, Rebecca Holloway, Chelsea Ellington

Thursday, March 13, 2014

Broadway FFA 5K

Broadway FFA will be having an 5k run. This run is open to the public. The cost of early entries is $15 and the cost of the run on the day of the run will be $20. T shirts will be given to all who pay early registration but not promised to those to register on day of the run. Email for more information. The run will be on April 12th early registration ends March 24th.

Ag Business Day

Ag Business Day 2nd period ag business visited Fulks Run Elementary to visit the kindergarteners and teach them on our animals with fun facts and a snack/activity to enjoy along with the learning experience.

Ag Career Day

We went to Central High School to watch a career show and walk around to get information on College and Career choices. Colleges had career information stands set up.

Young Farmers Showcase

We went and toured two farms that used bmps and other resources from soil and water conservation district. Megen Dalton spoke on Forestry camp and other ways to help farmers be more environmentally friendly.


Butchering was a blast! Officers had fun participating! Looked mighty tasty even though it hadn't been cooked yet!;)

Rose Sale

BHS Rose Sale priceless faces of receivers as they receive their beautiful roses/ strawberries/ candy bouquets!

Leadership Workshop

Broadway FFA Hosts leadership workshop with Federation officers

Friday, January 17, 2014

Community Service

To broden our horizons and show support for those less fortunate in our community the officer team participated in a surprise community service activity. The community service activity was held at the Rockingham County Fair grounds and was lead by the Salvation Army food and toy distribution. This activity was very eye opening to the team and helped them understand what it truly means to be thankful. Everyone left the Fair grounds with a new understanding of appreciation for what you have. 

Christmas Party

To celebrate the holiday season the FFA officer team got together for a fun filled evening of food, laughter, karaoke, and many more exciting events. This time allowed the officers to bond and grow as a team. Thanks to the Burgess family for hosting this event!

Fruit Sales

The Broadway FFA Chapter and Agriculture Classes helped with the sorting and distribution of over 1300 boxes of fruit. This is a time consuming effort, but all the hard work pays off in the end. Since the money raised helps fund most of the FFA activities throughout the year.